Your Technology Team

I wanted to remind you that we are your technology team. We love to provide solutions that can increase your productivity.

Here are some things we did for clients this past month.

  • Replaced phone service for an existing phone system saving our client hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.
  • Renegotiated a contract with an existing carrier for another client – resulting in thousands of dollars saved over the next year.
  • Provided new replacement computers for clients – meeting and beating online prices while ensuring we have the right product.
  • Migrated a client website to our hosting at no additional monthly charge.
  • Migrated a client completely to our private cloud from an on premise solution.
  • Migrated a client from Google Apps to Office 365 – we are strong Microsoft and Google Partners and can leverage both.
  • Added our Cloud Drive to cloud enable a local file server for a client. This provides vpn like secure access without the hassle.

So keep us in mind, we are here to help. We love to provide solutions, advice and help guide you towards proven technology best practices.







