Meet Daisha!

While Meghan is home taking care of her new bundle of joy, you may have been hearing a new voice answer your calls and solve some of your issues. Daisha is our go-to whenever we need additional assistance around the office. This month seemed like the perfect opportunity to get to know Daisha a bit more. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Educational Leadership and we put her on the spot and had her answers these questions:

What movie title best describes your life?
Proud Mary (I love Taraji P. Henson! she always goes after what she wants no matter what it takes, like myself) She’s a very dominant female

What irrational fear do you have?
Falling backwards on an escalator

What’s the best and worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Best advice: Nothing good comes easy, God doesn’t put more on you than you can bear. Worst advice: “Live in the moment” I disagree to a certain extent because you always need to plan for the future. “Failing to plan is planning to fail”- Benjamin Franklin

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for? 
Napping! Haha

What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it?
Five Guys ( Always heard about their Cajun fries)

What’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
I flew to Arkansas to visit my boyfriend to watch him play his last home game (Senior Night)

What songs have you completely memorized?
Party in the USA-Miley Cyrus

What website do you visit most often?

What are you looking forward to in the coming months?
To finish up my Master’s Degree (One class left after this semester).

What was your dream job when you were 10?
Pediatrician What’s one thing you always thought you’d hate until you tried it?
Spinach ( I love spinach dip now) What’s for dinner tonight?
Publix chicken and sides.



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