Summer not so Break

Ahhhh summer break..a time to relax, be outside, stay up late and spend some quality time with your loved ones. Not here at IRN! Summer break for us means we are putting the pedal to the metal and kicking projects into high gear. Summertime creates the perfect storm around here and we get to do some really neat things that are much needed for our clients. Indian River Networks is dedicated to providing our clients any service they may need when it comes to technology, so we do everything we can to provide you the experienced hands you may need for even the smallest task. So far this summer we had the opportunity to play on a scissor lift while hanging a TV. We have swapped out a four hundred pound core power supply. Deployed new firewalls in remote data centers, worked through revamping entire phone systems as well as helping clients transition their business entirely into the cloud. We may be working hard, but we do like each other around here so we typically have fun doing it! 





